The Climeet Blog: trends in low-carbon events

April updates at Climeet: new features

Written by Clara Cazin | Jul 9, 2024 8:27:20 AM

Discover the latest advancements on our platform. We are excited to unveil our latest product improvements.

Enhanced deliverables results

We are pleased to introduce our refined deliverables results, aligned with our new visual identity.

Our existing download formats, such as PDF and Excel, have been meticulously redesigned to offer more details and an improved aesthetic.

These updates aim to provide you with a more detailed view and a visually enhanced experience for analysis and report creation.

And this is just the beginning! A PowerPoint support and a summary carbon footprint certificate will also be available very soon to complement this range of enhanced deliverables.

Optimizing your workflow with merge and duplicate

Duplicate existing emission sources

Simplify your work by easily duplicating emission sources within your event scenarios, saving you time and streamlining your workflow.

Merge event scenarios

You can now merge scenarios, allowing you the flexibility to analyze event parts or different impacts independently and then aggregate them to obtain the overall event footprint and associated deliverables.

This new feature is also one of the first steps toward our vendor invitation system currently under development.

Quick addition of new emission sources

The "Add Emission Source" button has been relocated to the top of your emission items, making it easier to add and manage emission sources right from the start.

Enhanced calculator navigation

Now, with every click on an item at the bottom of the calculator page, the view automatically scrolls up to the content and fields to be filled, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

Integration of inflation and Chinese Yuan

We have integrated inflation and the Chinese Yuan into our monetary factors, providing a more comprehensive and accurate financial analysis. The update of our entire emission factors set will be arriving in the coming weeks.

We hope these new features will help maximize the efficiency of your event carbon management. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!